Welcome Back After Easter
A reminder that classes resume from today after the Easter break – please CLICK HERE to see a full schedule of term dates
Notice Of Closure To Patrickswell Lane
Due to the improvements to Murdock’s Wall opposite the studios, it has been necessary to extend the hoarding out onto Patrickswell Lane while works continue. We were advised that full closure would not happen; however, the Council has decided otherwise, and the hoarding runs across Patrickswell Lane, completely blocking the roadway for both cars and pedestrians. The hoarding license has been granted for 6 weeks, commencing on 3rd April, which means it can remain until Monday 15th May. The contractors understand the inconvenience caused and have said they will push to have work completed before the 6-week deadline.
Meanwhile, there is only pedestrian access to the Studios, which is available from Narrow West Street and down Patrickswell Lane or from beside Bru Hub (Callan’s old building).
On the positive side, this is part of an overall plan to improve the Lane, which will be beneficial to the Old Abbey area.
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