Reminder Note
Just a reminder that tonights Crew and Showchoir party is postponed until January as many of our students are rehearsing for the TLT Panto later this evening. We will announce a new date early in January.
Just a reminder that tonights Crew and Showchoir party is postponed until January as many of our students are rehearsing for the TLT Panto later this evening. We will announce a new date early in January.
This is the first week of Term 2 and fees are now due. Payment can be made online at or in the studios. Please see link to our term dates – click here Term 2 concludes on Saturday 28th of January and is 9 weeks in duration.
Our Halloween schedule is as follows Saturday 29th October – Classes are as normal Monday 31st October – No Classes Tuesday 1st November – No Classes Wednesday 2nd November – No Classes Friday 4th November – No Classes Saturday 5th November – No Classes Monday 7th November – Classes are as normal Please see link to our term dates We are inviting our 3 to 7 year olds to come to class dressed up tomorrow, Saturday 29th October. Have a great Halloween
Our first news update in the current year and it is hard to believe we are entering week 7 of Term 1. The Kidkast year is spread over 4 terms, between September and the following June and each term has 9 weeks of classes. We presume students will continue with their chosen classes as we move from term to term. If you are looking to make any changes, please do so by emailing and we will update things accordingly. All Term 1 fees should be paid in full at this point. If you are unsure, please email us and...
As in previous years, we will not hold Crew rehearsals tomorrow night. We think all our crew members have earned a night off. We are super proud of everyone and your performances over the weekend in Trabolgan, Cork, at the All Ireland Hip Hop Championships. Enjoy your night off.
A reminder that our Hip Hop crews are competing in Cork this weekend, at the All-Ireland Hip Hop Championships. Please remember there are no classes Friday 7th or Saturday 8th October. Classes are as normal on Monday 10th October. Friday 7th October – NO CLASSES Saturday 8th October – NO CLASSES Monday 10th October – NORMAL CLASSES IN COLLON AND OLD ABBEY DANCE STUDIOS Please see link to our term dates.
Reminder that crew rehearsals are as normal this evening. See you all later.
FOR THE SHOW – STUDENT SAFETY COMES FIRST All students will be chaperoned during the show. Younger students will watch the show from the balcony in their class groups and are chaperoned when not on stage We have a seamstress onsite to cover any costume mishaps. We have hired security on the only two points of access (balcony door and side exit) to ensure no students leave un-monitored and only helpers will be granted access to these areas. We have hired the Red Cross for any first aid or medical needs We have hired a marquee from Northeast Marquees to allow extra...
Please click here to see costume list by class and hair styles by class for this weekend’s show in The TLT We have broken the information into three categories Costumes that we will provide Any accessories that students must get for their performance Hair style for the show We will issue the arrival times for the show’s and to do’s later in the week Please click here for our rehearsal schedule by class The TLT team has asked parents not to enter the theatre before, during or after the rehearsal. Students should be dropped to and collected from the front...
We have organised the coming week rehearsals by class to make it easy to read. Each class has its own colour as some classes have more than one rehearsal time and day. CLICK HERE FOR OUR REHEARSAL SCHEDULE BY CLASS Please note Classes today (Friday, 27th May) are as normal in Old Abbey Dance Studios Classes tomorrow (Saturday, 28th May) are as normal in Old Abbey Dance Studios Sunday 29th May rehearsal is at Old Abbey Dance Studios. Vocal recordings are arranged for Sunday afternoon from 1 to 5pm, during rehearsal times From Monday 30th May to Saturday 4th June...